Routine and Preventative Dental Care
Preventative dental care is the modern way of reducing the amount of treatment required to maintain a healthy mouth and avoid a pattern of fillings and extractions later on.
Through appointments, we will go through routine and preventative dental care with you.
When you come along to the practice your dentist will carry out an examination of your mouth, advise you on how best to maintain your oral hygiene, through both attending the practice for regular examinations and hygiene treatments and by carrying out simple preventative care procedures at home such as brushing and flossing.
During your dental examination at the practice your dentist will:
- Update your medical history.
- Check your teeth for signs of disease, decay, or excessive wear.
- Check any existing fillings, crowns, bridges and dental implants.
- Check dentures for aesthetics, function and fit.
- Check for oral cancer, ulcers or other soft tissue problems of your cheeks,
palate, gums, lips and floor of mouth. - Check your jaw joints.
- Check your chewing ability.
- Check your oral hygiene levels and whether you are cleaning your teeth and gums effectively and
offer advice to ensure that you maintain your oral hygiene effectively at home. - Monitor your gum health to see if the gums are bleeding, whether they have receded,
what the bone levels are like and if the gums are gripping the teeth tightly. - Monitor tooth wear
- Check any previous work is in a satisfactory condition, and free of decay or damage.
- Review X-rays.
- Inform you of any diagnoses that is made and provide sufficient
- information to make an informed choice on any treatment that is required.
- Discuss treatment plans with you and provide a written treatment plan and estimate.
- Make an assessment of an appropriate time interval for you to visit us again for any
further recalls or hygiene appointments.